Web Analytics and Visitor Traffic Monitoring

When you monitor your web analytics and visitor traffic, you learn something critical: which of your marketing techniques are working, and which aren’t.

We like to say that anyone can tell you the “what,” but not everyone can tell you the “why” and “how.” Using our analytics, we can break down your campaign to find out what is doing well and what can be improved so that your campaign performs to its maximum potential.

What Can I Measure?

With web analytics and visitor traffic monitoring, you can measure the following things:

  • Whether or not a visitor has clicked a link (and which link it was)
  • How long a visitor stays on a page
  • The number of downloads an item receives
  • How many people are coming to your website
  • Who your website visitors are
  • How much you have spent per click

There are many other things you can learn about the people who come to your website, but these items are a good start. The more you know, the more you can adapt your strategy to fit the people who are actually interested in what your business offers -- which translates to more success and better conversion rates.

The basic idea is that analytics help you understand what’s performing well and what’s not, so that you aren’t spending money on something that doesn’t give you a good ROI.

Ready to find out more? Contact us today!