Lead Generation and Nurturing

Lead generation and nurturing is a process where we use a variety of online tools to generate new leads for you and help you nurture them from a prospect to a satisfied customer.

Lead generation and nurturing is a multifaceted approach to increasing your website traffic, conversions, and loyal customers over a period of time with a broad range of marketing tactics.

One of the main cornerstones of lead generation and nurturing is email drip campaigns, which gradually educate and engage a potential customer from the beginning to the end, when they finally engage with you as a new customer.

What Is an Email Drip Campaign?

Often referred to as automated email marketing, an email drip campaign is designed to send an automated series of emails to prospective customers with the hope that they will be educated and nurtured through the buying process. These emails offer customers the information they’re looking for at the appropriate stage of the buying process, whether they’re just beginning or they’re preparing to leave an online review about their experience.

Is an Email Drip Campaign Right for You?

Email drip campaigns are especially effective for businesses whose target market needs to be educated about something before they are ready to buy. If that describes your business, then this could be a great way for you to stay engaged and in front of the right people at the right time -- ultimately benefitting your business’s success.

Interested in finding out more about lead generation and nurturing? Contact BakerWoodward today.